Robo-iRemote is a Robotics workshop about controlling the robot using an IR remote. The IR remote-control uses infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to emit infrared radiation which is focused by a plastic lens into a narrow beam. The beam is modulated to encode the data. The IR decoder responds only to the rapidly pulsing signal created by the transmitter, and filters out slowly changing infrared radiation from ambient light. The Workshop begins with a brief overview on basic & digital electronics to help you recall the fundamentals and attain conceptualization about the stepping tools of robotics. It includes a detailed study structure, delivered & demonstrated live by our experts on "How to build an IR remote controlled robot??".
Our main aim is to effectively impart the basic know-how of designing an IR remote controlled robot and provide all the necessary tools to develop it. IR remote controlled robot accepts the control signals from the remote to move the robot in different direction and to stop it. It can be further employed for wide range of application including Home Appliance Control, Digital Notice Boards, Electronic Voting Machine, Motor Control, Wheel Chair Control, Surveillance Robots, etc.
We at ABLab Solutions would get you closer to the basic robotics domain right from the fundamentals to its implementation to successfully control robots using IR based Remote.
Program Benefits
- Clear your fundamentals of Robotics
- Build & develop your own IR remote controlled Robot
- Gain conceptual knowledge on Robotics, Embedded C, ATmega16, IR communication, NEC Protocol, etc.
- Get trained by experts.
- Awarded certificate on "Robo-iRemote"
- Live Demos and Interactive Question & Answer sessions
- Get useful Materials
Learning Outcomes
- How to use different Embedded software tools
- How to write program for ATmega16
- How to interface LED with AT mega 16
- How to generate different patterns in LED array
- How to interface DC Motor Driver with ATmega16
- How to drive a motor using DC Motor Driver
- How to decode an IR Signal using NEC protocol
- How to interface TSOP 1738 Sensor with ATmega16
- How to control a robot through IR remote
Course Outline
- Introduction to Robotics
- Different types of Robots
- Manual and Autonomous Robots
- Overview of Basic Electronics
- Overview of Digital electronics
- Different types of Sensors
- Different types of Actuators
- AVR Software Tools-AVR Studio, WinAVR, SinaProg
- Introduction to ATmega16
- Features of ATmega16
- I/O Ports of ATmega16
- LED Interfacing with ATmega16
- Different LED Pattern Generation
- H-Bridge Driver
- DC Motor Driver
- L293D based DC Motor Driver Interfacing with ATmega16 in 5V Mode
- L293D based DC Motor Driver Interfacing with ATmega16 in PWM Mode
- TSOP 1738 Sensor
- NEC Protocol
- TSOP 1738 Sensor(NEC Decoding) Interfacing with ATmega16
- NEC IR Remote Controlled Robot with ATmega16
- Robot Driving with ATmega16
- Speed Control of Robot with ATmega16
- L293D based DC Motor Driver Interfacing with ATmega16 in PWM Mode
- L293D based DC Motor Driver Interfacing with ATmega16 in 5V Mode
- LED Blinking with ATmega16
- LED Interfacing with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 8 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 7 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 6 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 5 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 4 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 3 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 2 with ATmega16
- LED Pattern 1 with ATmega16
- LED Dancing with ATmega16
Kits Detail
Softwares, Installation Guides, User Guides
USBasp Driver
SinaProg Hex Downloader Software
SinaProg Program Download Guide
SinaProg Fuse Bit Setting Guide
USBasp Driver Installation Guide
SinaProg Installation Guide
Atmel Studio 6 Software
Atmel Studio 6 Installation Guide
Atmel Studio 6 Project Guide