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LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LCD Display

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In this project, we will learn How to interface a LM35 temperature sensor with AVR ATmega32 Microcontroller and LCD display. Here, we will measure the temperature of the surrounding or any other material to which the LM35 temperature sensor is connected for its temperature measurement and we will display the temperature value in degree centigrade in a 16X2 alphanumeric LCD.

Since the output of LM35 temperature sensor is analog in nature and microcontroller cannot process the analog signal directly. So, first it will convert the analog output of LM35 temperature sensor to digital values using its analog to digital converter and then it process the digital value to convert the digital value in degree centigrade value. Then, the microcontroller will display the temperature in degree centigrade in the 16X2 alphanumeric LCD.

Now, lit a match stick or lighter near the LM35 temperature sensor and see the changes in its output value in the 16X2 alphanumeric LCD.

Softwares Required

Hardwares Required

Name Quantity
AVR Trainer Board-100 with ATmega32 1pc
AVR USB Programmer 1pc
12V, 1A DC SMPS Adaptor 1pc
LM35 Temperature Sensor 1pc
RG1602A 16X2 Alphanumeric LCD Green 1pc
1 to 1 Connector-Female to Female 6pc
10 to 10 FRC Female to Female Connector 2pc

Circuit Diagram


Connection Guide

The step-by-step connection guide for LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LCD Display is as follows

  • Steps - 1 ( 0f 10 )

    Insert the DC Pin of 12V, 1A DC Adapter to the DC Socket of AVR Trainer Board-100.

  • Steps - 2 ( 0f 10 )

    Connect PortB header with LCD data header in AVR Trainer Board-100 with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.

  • Steps - 3 ( 0f 10 )

    Connect RS, RW & EN pins of LCD control header with PD0, PD1 & PD2 pins of PortD header respectively in AVR Trainer Board-100 with 1 to 1 Connectors.

  • Steps - 4 ( 0f 10 )

    Connect the 16X2 Alphanumeric LCD to the LCD header of AVR Trainer Board-100.

  • Steps - 5 ( 0f 10 )

    Connect the Vs, Vout and GND pins of LM35 temperature sensor with VCC, PA0 and GND pins of PortA header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with a 1 to 1 Connector.

  • Steps - 6 ( 0f 10 )

    Connect the ISP header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with AVR USB Programmer header of AVR USB Programmer with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.

  • Steps - 7 ( 0f 10 )

    Connect the AVR USB Programmer to the PC/Laptop's USB Port directly or with the help of USB AM-AF Cable.

  • Steps - 8 ( 0f 10 )

    Switch on the power with the help of Power Switch of AVR Trainer Board-100.

  • Steps - 9 ( 0f 10 )

    Download LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LCD Display Hex file to AVR Trainer Board-100 with the help of SinaProg Hex downloader and AVR USB Programmer.

  • Steps - 10 ( 0f 10 )

    Lit a match stick or lighter near the sensor and see the output.

  • Insert the DC Pin of 12V, 1A DC Adapter to the DC Socket of AVR Trainer Board-100.

    Steps - 1 ( 0f 10 )

  • Connect PortB header with LCD data header in AVR Trainer Board-100 with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.

    Steps - 2 ( 0f 10 )

  • Connect RS, RW & EN pins of LCD control header with PD0, PD1 & PD2 pins of PortD header respectively in AVR Trainer Board-100 with 1 to 1 Connectors.

    Steps - 3 ( 0f 10 )

  • Connect the 16X2 Alphanumeric LCD to the LCD header of AVR Trainer Board-100.

    Steps - 4 ( 0f 10 )

  • Connect the Vs, Vout and GND pins of LM35 temperature sensor with VCC, PA0 and GND pins of PortA header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with a 1 to 1 Connector.

    Steps - 5 ( 0f 10 )

  • Connect the ISP header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with AVR USB Programmer header of AVR USB Programmer with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.

    Steps - 6 ( 0f 10 )

  • Connect the AVR USB Programmer to the PC/Laptop's USB Port directly or with the help of USB AM-AF Cable.

    Steps - 7 ( 0f 10 )

  • Switch on the power with the help of Power Switch of AVR Trainer Board-100.

    Steps - 8 ( 0f 10 )

  • Download LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LCD Display Hex file to AVR Trainer Board-100 with the help of SinaProg Hex downloader and AVR USB Programmer.

    Steps - 9 ( 0f 10 )

  • Lit a match stick or lighter near the sensor and see the output.

    Steps - 10 ( 0f 10 )


LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LCD Display Project File
  • 533 downloads 0 Kb

Post a Comment

    • vomeshwaribadhe
      if i want to take this temperature value on serial terminal what can i do? i have written program for uart but it does not worked
      2017-03-04 12:38:31
    • Fahimuddin,
      isnt working clearly,
      2017-12-08 12:52:41
      • Arun Kumar Garg
        Let me know the problem you are facing.
        2017-12-08 13:12:56
    • ??????
      2017-12-30 15:54:39
    • YOSHUAOkta
      LM35 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LCD Display (if use 2 chanel lm35 , how about code in avr?) thanks
      2018-01-19 08:58:50
    • Vatsal
      2018-10-31 23:03:21
      • Arun Kumar Garg


        2018-10-31 23:10:49
    • kaka
      How download
      2019-09-09 23:03:44
      • Arun Kumar Garg


        2019-09-14 12:26:52