The robot comprise of a fiber chassis having dimension 16cmX10cm, two 100 RPM BO motors with 4 pin connector, two 70mm BO Wheels and a 13mm castor wheel. The robot is best for making different robotics projects like line follower robot, obstacle avoider robot, hand gesture controlled robot and etc.
- Fiber Chassis with Dimension : 16cmX10cm
- BO Motor : 100 RPM
- BO Wheels : 70mm
- 13mm Metal Castor Wheel
The Robot V 4.0 package contains following materials:-
- 16cmX10cm Fiber Chassis-1pc
- 100 RPM BO Motor-2pcs
- 70mm BO Wheel-2pcs
- 13mm Castor Wheel-1pc
- 4 Pin Connector Soldered to BO Motors.
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