The digital light sensor that we are going to interface with ATmega32 microcontroller is a dual output sensor i.e. the sensor gives both analog and digital output signal.
In this project, we will learn How to interface the digital output of the digital light sensor with AVR ATmega32 microcontroller. Here, we will detect the change in digital output of the digital light sensor and we will display the status of the sensor in a LED array. The microcontroller will read the digital output of the digital light sensor through any of its IO pin and it will display the status of the sensor in the 1X8 LED array as 0xff(all LEDs On) when the sensor senses light and 0x00(all LEDs Off) when the sensor do not senses light. Before doing experiment with digital output of digital light sensor, set the reference voltage through the on-board trimpot in digital light sensor. Now, turn On and Off a torch infront of the sensor and see the changes in the 1X8 LED array.
The step-by-step connection guide for Digital Light Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LED Display-Digital Output is as follows
Steps - 1 ( 0f 8 )
Insert the DC Pin of 12V, 1A DC Adapter to the DC Socket of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 2 ( 0f 8 )
Connect PortB header with LED header in AVR Trainer Board-100 with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 3 ( 0f 8 )
Connect the VCC, GND & DO pins of Digital Light Sensor header to VCC, GND and PD0 pins of PortD header of AVR Trainer Board-100 respectively with 1 to 1 Connectors.
Steps - 4 ( 0f 8 )
Connect the ISP header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with AVR USB Programmer header of AVR USB Programmer with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 5 ( 0f 8 )
Connect the AVR USB Programmer to the PC/Laptop's USB Port directly or with the help of USB AM-AF Cable.
Steps - 6 ( 0f 8 )
Switch on the power with the help of Power Switch of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 7 ( 0f 8 )
Download the Digital Light Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LED Display-Digital Output Hex file to AVR Trainer Board-100 with the help of SinaProg Hex downloader and AVR USB Programmer.
Steps - 8 ( 0f 8 )
Turn On and Off a torch in-front of the Digital Light Sensor and see the change in output.
Insert the DC Pin of 12V, 1A DC Adapter to the DC Socket of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 1 ( 0f 8 )
Connect PortB header with LED header in AVR Trainer Board-100 with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 2 ( 0f 8 )
Connect the VCC, GND & DO pins of Digital Light Sensor header to VCC, GND and PD0 pins of PortD header of AVR Trainer Board-100 respectively with 1 to 1 Connectors.
Steps - 3 ( 0f 8 )
Connect the ISP header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with AVR USB Programmer header of AVR USB Programmer with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 4 ( 0f 8 )
Connect the AVR USB Programmer to the PC/Laptop's USB Port directly or with the help of USB AM-AF Cable.
Steps - 5 ( 0f 8 )
Switch on the power with the help of Power Switch of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 6 ( 0f 8 )
Download the Digital Light Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LED Display-Digital Output Hex file to AVR Trainer Board-100 with the help of SinaProg Hex downloader and AVR USB Programmer.
Steps - 7 ( 0f 8 )
Turn On and Off a torch in-front of the Digital Light Sensor and see the change in output.
Steps - 8 ( 0f 8 )
Digital Light Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LED Display-Digital Output Project File
Digital Light Sensor Interfacing with ATmega32 and LED Display-Digital Output Project File
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