Character display in graphical LCD is quite different and complex than character display in character LCD or alphanumeric LCD. One should have knowledge of bit map to display characters in graphical LCD. In alphanumeric LCD, to display any character, the microcontroller sends the ASCII value of the character. But, in graphical LCD, to display any character the microcontroller has to send the bit map values of the character to the graphical LCD. In our case, the bit map values of all the printable ASCII characters are included in the graphical LCD header file and the user has to send the ASCII value of the character. For to display custom characters, one has to generate the bit map values of the custom character and send those bit map values to the graphical LCD. The 128x 64 Graphical LCD has 128 horizontal pixels and 64 verticals pixel resolution and it is based on KS0108 controller.
In this project, we will learn How to interface a 128X64 Graphical LCD and How to display different characters in the 128×64 Graphical LCD with AVR ATmega32 microcontroller. Here, we will display “ABLab” in the left section and “Solutions” in the right section of the 128×64 Graphical LCD.
The step-by-step connection guide for Character Display in 128X64 Graphical LCD with ATmega32 is as follows
Steps - 1 ( 0f 7 )
Insert the DC Pin of 12V, 1A DC Adapter to the DC Socket of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 2 ( 0f 7 )
Connect PortB header of AVR Trainer Board with Data header of 128X64 Graphical LCD Interface Board with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 3 ( 0f 7 )
Connect PortD header of AVR Trainer Board with Control header of 128X64 Graphical LCD Interface Board with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 4 ( 0f 7 )
Connect the ISP header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with AVR USB Programmer header of AVR USB Programmer with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 5 ( 0f 7 )
Connect the AVR USB Programmer to the PC/Laptop's USB Port directly or with the help of USB AM-FM Cable.
Steps - 6 ( 0f 7 )
Switch on the power with the help of Power Switch of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 7 ( 0f 7 )
Download the Character Display in 128X64 Graphical LCD with ATmega32 Hex file to AVR Trainer Board-100 with the help of SinaProg Hex downloader and AVR USB Programmer.
Insert the DC Pin of 12V, 1A DC Adapter to the DC Socket of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 1 ( 0f 7 )
Connect PortB header of AVR Trainer Board with Data header of 128X64 Graphical LCD Interface Board with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 2 ( 0f 7 )
Connect PortD header of AVR Trainer Board with Control header of 128X64 Graphical LCD Interface Board with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 3 ( 0f 7 )
Connect the ISP header of AVR Trainer Board-100 with AVR USB Programmer header of AVR USB Programmer with a 10 to 10 FRC Female Connector.
Steps - 4 ( 0f 7 )
Connect the AVR USB Programmer to the PC/Laptop's USB Port directly or with the help of USB AM-FM Cable.
Steps - 5 ( 0f 7 )
Switch on the power with the help of Power Switch of AVR Trainer Board-100.
Steps - 6 ( 0f 7 )
Download the Character Display in 128X64 Graphical LCD with ATmega32 Hex file to AVR Trainer Board-100 with the help of SinaProg Hex downloader and AVR USB Programmer.
Steps - 7 ( 0f 7 )
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Karthikeyan S
What will be clock frequency of microcontroller(atmega32 or atmega16) connected to GLCD?
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The frequency of ATmega16/ATmega32 will be any value. This code is written for frequency at 1MHz.