HM2007 Voice Recognitation Kit

The speech recognition system is a completely assembled and easy to use programmable speech recognition circuit. Programmable, in the sense that you train the words (or vocal utterances) you want the circuit to recognize. This board allows you to experiment with many facets of speech recognition technology. It has 8 bit data out which can be interfaced with any microcontroller for further development.


      • Self-contained stand alone speech recognition circuit
      • User programmable
      • Up to 20 word vocabulary of duration two second each
      • Multi-lingual Non-volatile memory back up with 3V battery onboard.
      • Will keep the speech recognition data in memory even after power off.


Some of interfacing applications which can be made are controlling home appliances, robotics movements, Speech Assisted technologies, Speech to text translation, and many more.

1 Piec of HM2007 Voice Recognitation Kit.

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